"I had no idea about Rudolph Round-Up. When I had a knock at the door it was the most happiest joy that brought to our family the toys I seen - I was amazed! I cried and cried and cried I had so much happiness and joy for [my foster son] he had the best Christmas ever thanks to you guys. I am so appreciative for all you have done.
Yes, it was his first Christmas and the most wonderful Christmas ever! He was a happy little boy ripping the packages apart and playing with every toy that he received. I was so happy all I did was cry for him - he brings so much happiness to our family."
- Level 1 Caregiver
"Rudolph Round-Up is such a blessing to children in foster care and the foster families. This is our second Christmas as foster parents and the people who choose to sponsor have gone above and beyond and made a huge impact to making our foster sons Christmas the best.
I rubbed the back of our 3-year-old to wake him up. As he began to stretch and open his eyes, I told him Santa had come to our house last night and we needed to see what he brought. He got the biggest smile on his face and jumped out of his bed so quickly. When he saw what Santa had brought, he was so overwhelmed and couldn't believe it. He was so ecstatic and didn't even know what hat to look at first. My heart melted at this truly magical moment."
- Foster Caregiver

"Receiving these gifts was such a blessing and came at the perfect time. My nephew was placed with us at 3 days old and we didn’t have any baby items. We always have savings for Christmas, but we had to use some of that for things newborns need. The gifts were so thoughtful and kind that we have been able to get even more gifts for him and our girls.
With receiving the kindness of strangers, our family has decided to volunteer at our local care center. We want every family in need to feel the same love we felt. We are so thankful to all the volunteers and for the people who take the time to buy gifts and turn them in. Also for all the caseworkers who deliver the gifts. I know it takes a lot of work and it is greatly appreciated!"
- Cathy
"We unexpectedly found ourselves taking in a sibling set of 3 in the spring of this year. One of the things the older child had been asking for was a bicycle. We had put off buying bikes because the expense of three new bikes was just a bit much along with expenses of setting up the house for the kids. On Christmas Day the kids were ecstatic to see three beautiful new bicycles. We are so grateful for their wonderful sponsors."
"Our youngest foster child has a language delay, I mentioned to my husband how we needed to buy him a 100 word book so we could intentionally work on building his words. Wouldn't you know, one of his gifts (that hadn't been listed as a gift idea) was a 100 word book. Come Christmas morning that was one of his favorite gifts."
- Rachel Lyttle (Foster Caregiver)

"Times are hard right now and as a medical home our expenses are significantly higher than when we cared for non medical children. Our children have been thriving a lot this year with all their medical concerns and Christmas is such a great time to remind them how how fiercly loved they are. Without Rudolph round up there is no way we would have been able to give our wonderful foster children the Christmas they truly deserve. I'm incredibly thankful."
"My foster son 3 years old just reunified with his mom and I was so incredibly happy for them, but as most foster parents know I was feeling a little down and sad to see him go. The day he went home I shed a few tears and for the first time my other foster sin (soon to be adopted) said his first real words. "It's ok mommy". He is in countless therapies to help him and doesn't speak. He knew I needed that so much. From that day he is now talking up a storm and was able to make giant strides with his medical concerns. As a family we work hard to continue moving forward and he showed me this Christmas season that the heartbreak that comes with this journey can still bring such wonderful things if you allow yourself to see them."
- Monica Steven (Foster Caregiver)
"Rudolph Round-Up helped tremendously for my granddaughters. I wish I could hug everyone that donated all the gifts my grandkids received. Just to see how happy they were when they saw all the gifts made me so happy.
I made sure I let my grandkids know that kind and loving people from every where was nice to donate them some toys for Christmas. I really don't wanna give Santa all the credit which is one guy when maybe a thousand kind hearted people donated gifts for them. My oldest granddaughter which is four really questioned me about who the kind hearted people were. I had to tell her, "God sent them to give all the kids gifts for Christmas", she wanted to thank everyone that blessed us so from me and my grandkids, thanks we really appreciate everyone!"
- Relative Caregiver