While we work tirelessly to ensure that all teens and young adults have forever families – the unfortunate reality is that some of our young adults will turn 18 while in foster care. Just because you turn 18 does not mean that you no longer need help and support.
A wide variety of innovative and proven programs are available to help you with the challenges associated with becoming an adult — from learning to drive to finishing college and getting hired into a career. Our number one priority is to provide you with the skills and knowledge to be successful and independent.
Foster Youth Voice Month
We have a message from our Transition Age Youth Services (TAYS) Team, to inform you that October is Foster Youth Voice Month! We believe that every voice matters! It's vital that we elevate the voice of youth with lived experience in the child welfare system to initiate changes in every state across the nation. If you experienced being in foster care, we'd love to hear from you!

What is TAYS?
Transition Age Youth Services, (formerly Independent Living), provides services to youth that are between the ages of 13-23 to help prepare them to be successful adults. “My Future, My Choice” is the theme for this new program, because it gives youth the option to remain in care until they turn 21, or - if they are enrolled in an eligible post-secondary institution - receive financial assistance as they continue pursuing academic and career goals. In extended foster care, young adults will continue to receive case management services and other support to provide them with a sound platform for success as independent adults.
How often will the Life Coach visit?
The Life Coach visits at minimum every 30 days face to face in the home of the young adult regardless of the program they are participating.
Who do I contact if my youth does not know who their Life Coach is or has not had contact with them?
Our Transition Age Youth Services Program Manager, Marquina Butts-Fisher at 863-519-8900 x 238 or email mbutts@heartlandforchildren.org.
What services is the youth eligible for if they choose to age out from care?
The youth would be eligible for Road to Independence Services through Extended Foster Care, Post-Secondary Educational Support Services or After Care
Who do I need to contact if a youth is in need of a tuition waiver?
Our Transition Age Youth Services Program Manager, Marquina Butts-Fisher at 863-519-8900 x 238 or email mbutts@heartlandforchildren.org.
What are the Programs Offered by TAYS?
Extended Foster Care
In 2013, a law passed in Florida allowing youth who would normally age-out of licensed care at age 18 to opt to stay in until age 21 (or 22 with a documented disability) while finishing school or gaining work skills and experience.
Post-Secondary Education Support Services
PESS is a state program for eligible former foster youth to receive the skills, education, and support necessary to become self-sufficient and have lifelong connections to supportive adults. Depending on certain statutory conditions, eligible youth may receive a monthly financial payment of $1,720; this may include applicable Education and Training Voucher (ETV) funding. The financial award is to secure housing, utilities, and assist with cost of living while attending a Florida Bright Futures-eligible postsecondary educational institution.
Aftercare Services
The After Care program is temporary in nature and intended to provide only a safety net; services should be designed to help transition the young adult either to independence or to help them return to Extended Foster Care or PESS.
What is Life Skills Reimagined?
A resource made available to the TAYS program for the assessment and teaching of life skills to the youth and young adults engaged in the program is Life Skills Reimagined™.
Life Skills Reimagined™ is an evidence-informed, blended-learning, holistic life skills curriculum accessed through an online platform. The curriculum consists of 60-hours of content comprised of courses, pre/post-tests, workbooks, action plans, additional resources, and planned discussions. Core content includes modules on resiliency, personal finance, independent living, communication skills, and getting/keeping a job. Access to this program is limited to 50 participants at a time. TAYS Life Coaches who want to inquire about enrolling a youth they are working with must contact Marquina Butts-Fisher, TAYS Program Coordinator at (863) 519-8900 ext. 238 or email her at MBUTTS@heartlandforchildren.org.
TAYS Housing
You may be wondering...what housing options does a young person have when the age out?
Where can the young adult stay if they have mental health or behavioral health needs?
Youth can stay in a transitional home, with bio-parents, with a friend, in an apartment, with a boyfriend/girlfriend, with a relative or a non-relative, or remain in their foster home. We also have housing that provides services to young adult with special needs or who may have behavioral health needs.
Our TAYS Housing Program is designed to provide housing services to youth who are ages 18-23 and in out-of-home care. Our Housing Specialist serves as a liaison with community partners and the case management organization for youth.
For more information, contact our Housing Specialist:
Priscilla Copeland
Additional Resources
Looking for resources or programs near you?
Visit heartland.findhelp.com for a searchable database–simply enter your zip code to find programs and services near YOU!
Hope Florida - A Pathway to Prosperity: With Hope Florida you are no longer alone in your search for resources. Care Navigators are available to you to help you with whatever you may need. To connect with a Care Navigator call 850-300-HOPE (4673).
Needing food? Check out this list of food drop sites in Polk, Highlands and Hardee Counties.
United Way Children’s Resource Center is a community-based learning and resource center that provides classes, playgroups, workshops, developmental checkups, community activities, and support for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-6, as well as for expectant moms and dads. They strive to make childhood a happy, healthy, and wholesome experience for every child and parent in Polk County.

211 is a vital service that connects millions of people to help every year. To get expert, caring help, simply call 211 or visit 211.org
South Florida State College is offering FREE GED Prep Classes and English as a Second Language (ESOL) Classes for adults in Highlands and Hardee Counties to help improve adult literacy.