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Heartland for Children was pleased to host three film screenings of the much anticipated documentary, Paper Tigers, here in Lakeland, Sebring, and Winter Haven in November 2015. HFC partnered with Prevent Child Abuse Florida to bring this film to our community. Paper Tigers intimately examines the inspiring promise of Trauma Informed Communities – a movement that is showing great promise in healing individuals struggling with the dark legacy of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Waypoints Financial has been a wonderful partner in our community, opening their hearts to helping children in need through Heartland for Children’s Rudolph Round-Up Toy Drive.
For several years, the staff at Waypoints Financial has committed to being Rudolph Champions, purchasing specific wishes for teens and hosting a toy drive to specifically benefit children and teens who are receiving services through the local foster care system.

Through their partnership with Heartland for Children’s faith-based initiative, Grace Bible Church, under the leadership of lead Pastor Dustin Woods, has been instrumental in impacting the lives of children and families throughout Circuit 10 – Hardee, Highlands and Polk counties.
For the second year, Grace Bible Church committed to being Rudolph Round-Up Champions and through the generosity of the church and its members, hosted a toy drive to specifically benefit teens who are receiving services through the local foster care system. The toys and items donated through the Church-sponsored toy drive exceeded expectations and helped to meet the holiday wishes of our teens in care.

My wife, Joy-Lynn and I became Foster Parent Mentors (FPM) through Heartland for Children in 2012. When we were approached with the opportunity to be an added support for incoming Foster Parents, we jumped at the opportunity because we saw the value in having someone who other Foster Parents could relate to as being an invaluable resource; especially, if the individual(s) were completely new to the fostering and/or parenting experience.
As FPMs through Heartland, we've had the chance to interact with incoming Foster Parents on many levels including assisting with respite, providing guidance or best practices with difficult behavioral issues, advocating for a child who had to be moved from one home to another, making recommendations on working with case management, providing another vantage point through the process of Termination of Parental Rights (TPR), and many other areas that Foster Parents can encounter during their first and continuing years of child advocates.
What we've gained as FPMs is a heightened level of understanding of how important it is to identify the needs of incoming Foster Parents. Being able to make recommendations on how the training component has and can continue to successfully equip incoming parents with the proper training and education; is a value add that Heartland has really welcomed input on.
Cebien Alty - HFC Foster Parent, Foster Parent Mentor