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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proclaimed November as #NationalAdoptionMonth! During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, 4,548 children in Florida found forever families! In the state of Florida, approximately 700 children are without an identified adoptive family, including teenagers, sibling groups, and children with medical needs. Learn how you can become a teen or sibling group's forever home by calling 863-519-8900 x 223 or visit

Rudolph Champions are needed to help make holiday memories for over 1,500 local children who have experienced abuse and/or neglect.

It was so valuable to hear the stories and anecdotes. They took “fostering” from theoretical, a mental exercise, to something I could imagine myself living. Fear of the unknown can be a huge inhibitor, but these classes helped me feel more prepared.
Kelly Larrow 'Passport to Parenting' Graduate