The Barger Family

"Our family has always had a desire to adopt. We feel that adoption is a response to what God has called our family to. By doing our part and opening our lives and our home to our boys, we have been given the greatest gift! They are absolutely amazing and have added so much joy and love to our entire family!
When it comes to adoption, we learned not only how much our boys needed us, but how much we needed them. Adoption can be difficult, but it has changed us for the better. Our capacity to show love and grace has grown as we helped them find healing. Supporting them as they processed their trauma and found true joy has been extremely rewarding. We would encourage any family that is considering to adopt, to take the step and see how adoption can transform a life and build family.
Our greatest success is keeping our boys biological siblings together. We were blessed to adopt two children from a sibling group of eight. Unfortunately, the children had been separated while in foster care, so when we adopted our boys at ages 3 and 10 years old, they had no existing relationship. It was a blessing to watch them get to know each other and build a strong sibling bond. We were able to help cultivate relationships with their older siblings who had aged out of foster care and stay in contact with their siblings who were adopted into other families. Over the past 11 years we have been able to maintain contact with everyone and now have a large and extended family through adoption! We love each one of them and are eternally grateful for the way that God has blessed us!"
The Barger Family