Check out some of our frequently asked questions about Heartland for Children.

Is Heartland for Children the same as DCF?

Is Heartland for Children the same as DCF?
No.  Heartland for Children is a private, not-for-profit organization.  While receive funding from the state of Florida, we are not a branch of state government.  We have a local Board of Directors made up of volunteers from the community that provides oversight for the organization.


What is a CBC, exactly?

What is a CBC, exactly?

Community-Based Care (CBC) was conceptualized and implemented because the foster care system in Florida was not working.  It is founded on the principles that child welfare is bigger than government, the solutions are in the community, and that local authority and decision-making will provide better outcomes for children and families.   

The CBC model divides the state of Florida into smaller systems of care and shifts the responsibility for managing these child welfare systems of care to not-for-profit organizations in the community.  The CBC model began as a pilot in Sarasota under Governor Lawton Chiles.  Governor Bush and our Legislators recognized the potential of the model to improve safety, permanency and well-being for children and spread it throughout Florida in the early 2000s. 

How long has HFC been around?

How long has HFC been around?

Heartland for Children was founded in 2003, specifically for the purpose of taking responsibility for the child welfare system of care in Polk, Hardee and Highlands counties.

Why is HFC doing what it’s doing?

Why is HFC doing what it’s doing?

As a local not-for-profit organization, we are committed to making our community a better place.  Our overarching goal is to help children and youth in Polk, Hardee and Highlands counties become productive adults that are independent, self-reliant and give back to the community.   Our oversight and management of the child welfare system of care is a means for accomplishing this end goal and improving our community.


What difference is HFC making?

What difference is HFC making?

Heartland for Children has redesigned the foster care system in Polk, Hardee and Highlands counties.  We have established new expectations for quality foster families, retooled training of foster parents and enhanced the support of our quality foster parents.  Foster families are valued and respected partners in our system of care. 

Heartland for Children has integrated trauma-sensitive approaches and family engagement strategies into case management and other services provided to children and families involved in our system of care.  We recognize that the very best we can do for children is to prevent adverse childhood experiences and child abuse/neglect and to provide them with safe, stable, nurturing relationships over the course of their childhood.