Prevention Blog Archives by Date Blog

2024 Child Welfare Provider Fair

2024 Child Welfare Provider Fair

A heartfelt THANK YOU to the 66 vendors and over 300 attendees who joined us at our 2024 Child Welfare Provider Fair!

Together, we're making a difference by connecting those in need with support and opportunities to thrive. Let's continue to work hand in hand for the well-being of our community's children and families.

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From Co-Parenting to Family: A Reunification Success Story!

From Co-Parenting to Family: A Reunification Success Story!

The power of co-parenting is when foster and biological parents work together to nurture, guide and love a child throughout their journey of life. There is no such thing as "too many" caring adults in a child's life. 

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The United Way partnerships with Heartland are built on trust and a shared vision of a stronger central Florida. Heartland leadership consistently delivers more than expected and motivates others to do the same.