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Which car seat is the best for my child?

Which car seat is the best for my child?

The best car seat will be the one that fits your child, fits your vehicle and the one that you will use correctly every time. If a car seat is not installed correctly, your child's safety could be in danger. Every car seat has different installation instructions. Here are key items to keep in mind when installing a car seat.

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Lori Wasson

Lori Wasson

Lori Wasson was licensed on October 18, 2011 for one child, but when she was asked if she could take two in order to keep sisters together, she quickly agreed. Read More
The Yellow Dress

The Yellow Dress

For the past three years Heartland for Children has worked in cooperation with Deana’s Educational Theater to bring the Yellow Dress Production to High Schools in Polk, Highlands and Hardee Counties.  The Yellow Dress is a dramatic one woman play based on the stories of young women who were victims of domestic violence.

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Child Abuse Prevention Awareness & Education

Child Abuse Prevention Awareness & Education

Heartland for Children coordinates a community wide effort to provide information and resources to parents/caregivers, professionals, business partners and community leaders on how each person in our community can help contribute to preventing child abuse and neglect. Through presentations, community awareness activities and parenting tip sheets, Heartland for Children hopes to bring awareness of the importance of helping families before harm occurs and the importance of positive parenting practices.

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Faith-Based Initiative

Faith-Based Initiative

Faith-Based Communities play a vital role in the safety and well-being of children and families. Each and every day Faith Communities are helping to prevent child abuse and neglect. Heartland for Children is thankful for the wonderful work our local faith communities are doing each and every day.  As part of our Faith-Based Prevention Initiative, Heartland for Children invites local faith leaders and other representatives of faith communities to work together with us to identify additional opportunities to positively impact families in the communities we serve.

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Parenting Resources & Support

Parenting Resources & Support

Heartland for Children knows that it is critical to have a community that comes together to support parents on their parenting journey.  Many agencies and groups provide this type of support to families each and every day. When Parents find themselves in a position where they don’t know where else to turn, Heartland for Children is committed to assisting them in connecting to the right resources and support for their family. Parents can call (863) 519-8900, x 205 to reach our Community Relations Department who will work to link that parent to the resources and support they need.

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Child Passenger Safety

Child Passenger Safety

Heartland for Children is committed to improving the safety of all children in the communities we serve. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 90% of car seats are improperly installed because of the lack of education, difficult instructions and failure to read the owners’ manuals. Heartland for Children collaborates with local agencies within Hardee, Highlands, and Polk Counties to help educate caregivers, as well as professionals that work with children, about Child Passenger Safety.   

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This family was matched with Faith and everything started to come into place - just as if they were the family meant for Faith! Read More
Goff Family

Goff Family

When speaking of Adoption Success Stories I automatically think of the Goff Family! 

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Elizabeth, Hannah, & Charles

Elizabeth, Hannah, & Charles

This sibling group met their forever family at a local matching event. Their instant connection with this family lead to a perfect match and a forever family through adoption!Read More


It was just last fall that Jacob began visits with a prospective adoptive family when everything just fell into place and this family knew he was just perfect for them! Read More
Larry and Brenda Wenning

Larry and Brenda Wenning

When Larry and Brenda Wenning decided to become foster parents in 2007, they intended on being licensed for teens and were willing to help with up to five youth. Since their own children had grown up and moved away, they wanted their four bedroom house filled again. Read More
Andrea and Charles Mills

Andrea and Charles Mills

"It’s not just about helping the children, the children impact our lives as well. My family is multi-cultured..."Read More
My First Community Program

My First Community Program

Now is the time for my really awesome Community Program!Read More


We knew we wanted to adopt again after we finalized David's adoption. We had been searching the websites and reaching out to all of the local agencies. In November of 2012 we attended a matching event held by Heartland for Children at Family Fun Center.Read More

It was so valuable to hear the stories and anecdotes. They took “fostering” from theoretical, a mental exercise, to something I could imagine myself living. Fear of the unknown can be a huge inhibitor, but these classes helped me feel more prepared.