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Looking back, many teenage girls would admit to dancing in their mom’s high heeled shoes as young girls, wearing sheets as robes, and practicing to curtsey in front of the mirror. They were princesses, and one day they were going to marry Prince Charming and live happily ever after. There were Cinderellas, who were abused and neglected, holding out for their invitation to the royal ball. Then, there were Sleeping Beauties, born into royalty, but eventually life happened, putting their dreams on hold.

Without conditions or reservations, I wholeheartedly endorse Heartland for Children as the Community Based Organization (CBC) serving abused and neglected children in Highlands, Hardee and Polk Counties.
The child welfare system has improved dramatically under the outstanding leadership of Heartland for Children. For nearly a decade, Heartland for Children has been delivering high-quality services to children and families in our communities. In fact, the system of care that was designed to protect child, our most precious resource, was not always responsive, nor highly respected, before Heartland for Children was selected as the first CBC, covering Highlands, Hardee and Polk counties.
Kevin Roberts - CEO & Founder, Champion for Children Foundation of Highlands County