Success Stories

The Shaeffer Family

The Shaeffer Family

Meet the Shaeffer Family who started their foster care journey this year! The Shaeffer's have taken in two 4-year old's with special needs, which made them very difficult to place. Both kids required to have many specialist appointments in which Michelle initiated and scheduled. Michelle has been open to all help to stabilize these children in her home. They are going through the enhanced foster care classes because they desire to learn more on how to help the children in their home. The Shaeffer's are a great family and amazing advocates for our kids in care!

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The Calderon Family

The Calderon Family

Meet Elivanesa Calderon who was licensed just 4 months ago and received her very first placement two days after being licensed. She jumped right in like a pro and researched daycares, took the siblings to get the necessary immunizations to start daycare and immediately reached out to the birth parents to set up visitation. She put together a last minute birthday party for one of the children whose birthday was week after being placed with her. Elivanesa has such a big heart for children and she advocates for their needs every day.
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The Stewart Family

The Stewart Family

Meet Jaime and Paul Stewart! In 2016, they began their foster journey by becoming a medical foster home. This awesome family advocate for their children, co-parented, taken the children to all of their medical appointments and have also adopted 3 of their kids! 

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The Maxey Family

The Maxey Family

Meet the Maxey Family! Four years ago, Emily and Keith started their foster care journey. This family has welcomed teens in their family and the teens LOVE them as their parents! This amazing couple ensures that the kids get all that they need so they can be successful now and later in life!
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Barbara Wade

Barbara Wade

Meet Ms. Barbara Wade! Take a moment a read her story and what inspired her to become a foster parent.
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The Pierson Family

The Pierson Family

About 7 years ago, the Pierson Family began their fostering journey to give back to the community and help kids in need! They are actively advocating for their kids, positively impacting the system of care, mentoring and continuing to support the children and their families after they've been reunified!


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My wife, Joy-Lynn and I became Foster Parent Mentors (FPM) through Heartland for Children in 2012. When we were approached with the opportunity to be an added support for incoming Foster Parents, we jumped at the opportunity because we saw the value in having someone who other Foster Parents could relate to as being an invaluable resource; especially, if the individual(s) were completely new to the fostering and/or parenting experience. As FPMs through Heartland, we've had the chance to interact with incoming Foster Parents on many levels including assisting with respite, providing guidance or best practices with difficult behavioral issues, advocating for a child who had to be moved from one home to another, making recommendations on working with case management, providing another vantage point through the process of Termination of Parental Rights (TPR), and many other areas that Foster Parents can encounter during their first and continuing years of child advocates. What we've gained as FPMs is a heightened level of understanding of how important it is to identify the needs of incoming Foster Parents. Being able to make recommendations on how the training component has and can continue to successfully equip incoming parents with the proper training and education; is a value add that Heartland has really welcomed input on.