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“I could never foster a teenager”. I’ve heard it time and time again during my twenty two years working in child welfare. Why are people so afraid of teen agers? We were ALL teenagers at one point…is that why you don’t think you can do it, because you’re afraid of a child like yourself? (insert funny photo?) I have met some of THE most amazing teens during my career. These kids are earning athletic and academic scholarships to college, they excel in their high school sports and community clubs…but they couldn’t do this without a caring foster parent by their side to support them every step of the way.
The Florida Baptist Children's Homes values the partnership with HFC as we serve children & families together. Heartland communicates well with our agency, keeps children and families central to its goals and works to empower our agency to improve services.
Pam Whitaker, FBCH - Florida Baptist Children's Homes