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Hey Parents & Caregivers!
We are excited to announce that we have launched our monthly Parent's Corner Newsletter. Once a month, subscribers will receive an email packed with helpful resources, safety info and parenting tips to strengthen you and your family.
SUBSCRIBE HERE and check out January's Parent's Corner.

What started as 3 families that were interested in becoming foster caregivers from Lakeland's Harvest Church has now developed into a ministry that meets the immediate needs of children being removed from their homes for abuse and neglect on a weekly basis. We love to see our community partners, like ECHO (Everyday Christians Helping Orphans) Ministries Florida, being highlighted for the amazing service they provide to our children and families! Thank you, ECHO for being a part of our community that cares!

It’s not just about helping the children, the children impact our lives as well. My family is multi-cultured, it is a learning experience for everyone. Both the children and the foster family learns each other’s cultures- what foods they like, what products they use, etc. We take the children with us on outings to the beach, theme parks, and treat them the same as our own children. The children are a part of our family.
Andrea & Charles Mills - Foster Parent