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Ghandi expressed the essence of love when he made one of the most simplistic yet profound statements, “Love never claims, it ever gives” (Frank, 2001). This statement merely suggests: love that claims, isn’t really love at all. To claim something one asserts, declares, and alleges the item or person in question belongs to them for one reason or another. Many hold the belief that love is a choice, even among the cultures where arranged marriages still exists. In his book, The Four Loves, C. S. Lewis discusses some of the different loves described in Greek thought: familial or affectionate love (storge); friendship (philia); romantic love (eros); and spiritual love (agape) in the light of Christian commentary on ordinate loves.

We mentioned in our last blog that an estimated 90% of car seats are used incorrectly. Nationally, that statistic is around 75%, which means parents and caregivers in Florida need a little extra help when installing their car seats. There was a time in my life that I would have thought installing a car seat couldn’t be all that difficult, and I would have bet money that I knew how to install one. It wasn’t until my first experience with three, not just one, that I realized my worst nightmare had just come true.

In 2012, among children under the age of five in cars, an estimated 284 lives were SAVED by child restraints, also known as car seats. That is a lot of lives saved. Car crashes, however, are the leading cause of death for children ages 1-12. Our goal is to see the number of deaths decrease while the number of lives saved increases. Unfortunately, we also know that approximately 90% of child restraints are installed incorrectly, putting children at risk. In order for us to help increase the number of children traveling safely, we need your help.

After a suicide or suicide attempt there are many emotions that affect those that survive. There are the stages of grief we move through and it can come sometimes take quite a bit of time to move through a stage. I’ve heard comments full of regret such as “If only I’d known he was so sad” or “I wish I had known, I would’ve tried to help” and comments full of anger such as “That’s such a selfish act” or “How could he do that to the people who loved him”. Unless you understand the absolute despair that leads to the moment of an attempted or completed suicide, you will probably struggle with understanding the “why”.

As we continue our blog series for National Suicide Prevention Week, we felt it was so important to discuss the warning signs that may be present when someone is considering suicide, as well as explore the actions that can best help someone in crisis, as well as those reactions that are not helpful.
Suicide claims more lives than HIV and homicide combined...

This week is National Suicide Prevention Week, and, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 is recognized as World Suicide Prevention Day. To show our support of this important topic, we are embarking on a series of blogs that should help others to be more knowledgeable about the risk and protective factors for suicide, along with what warning signs can be indicative that someone might be considering suicide. We will also equip readers with the knowledge of what to do when facing warning signs and what actions may not be helpful. Lastly, we will address the difficult topic of surviving suicide.

Some people have to travel around the world for their missions; ours came to our home.
Mike Holt, Foster Parent